Minimally Invasive Surgery           Dr.Hassan M.Hashem Alshater       Laparoscopic General Surgeon

Dr.Hassan M.Hashem Alshater

Minimally Invasive Surgery

Laparoscopic General Surgeon

May 2022


  Overview: Hyperparathyroidism is where the parathyroid glands (4 glands, in the neck, near the thyroid gland) produce too much parathyroid hormone PTH. There are 4 small glands that make this hormone, which helps your body manage the calcium levels it needs. But if too much is made, it can cause your blood calcium levels […]

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Pancreatic cancer

Overview: it is abnormal cells that multiply in an uncontrollable way, as these cells destroy normal cells, which leads to disorder in pancreatic functions may occur disorder in secretion of digestive enzymes and may occur disorder in secretion of pancreatic hormones. Unfortunately, pancreatic cancer does not give symptoms in its early stages, symptoms begin to

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Liver cancer

Overview: it is abnormal cells that multiply in an uncontrollable way, as these cells destroy normal cells. Liver cell cancer is primary cancer in the liver (arises of hepatic cells), while secondary cancer is metastases transfer to liver cells from other organs and settle in liver as in tumors of the colon and breast Frequency

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Colorectal cancer

Overview: It is abnormal cells multiply in an uncontrollable way at colon wall cells, which bulging inside lumen of colon causing obstructive symptoms and may extend to outside of colon wall giving pressure symptoms over another organs. cancer cells may give distant metastasis (mainly liver metastasis) Colon cancer does not cause any symptoms in early

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Small bowel cancer

Overview: It is an uncommon disease characterized by abnormal cells that multiply uncontrollably, as these cells destroy normal cells in the small intestine and spread to different areas of the body Tumor types: adenocarcinoma neuroendocrine tumors lymphoma gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) sarcoma   Etiology: Cancer cells are normal cells in origin, but have undergone changes

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gastric cancer

Overview: It is abnormal cells grow out in uncontrollable way at stomach wall cells, which leads bulging within lumen of stomach causing obstructive symptoms, and may extend to outside of stomach wall giving pressure symptoms over another organs. Gastric cancer occurs in any part of stomach (40% in distal third, 40%in middle third, 10% in

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Overview: It is abnormal cells that multiply in an uncontrollable way in thyroid tissue Etiology: Cancer cells are normal cells in origin, but have undergone changes or mutations in their DNA The changes caused an imbalance in how they grow and divide and a disorder in their functions Symptoms: small tumor does not give clear


Breast cancer

Overview: It is growing of some breast cells in an abnormal way that cannot be controlled, which leads to formation of a non-functional mass in the breast grows over time and then spread to near lymph nodes and may give local or distant metastasis later Breast cancer happens in both males and females , but

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Thyroid diseases

Overview  The thyroid is a gland found in your neck just below your Adam’s including metabolism, the process that turns food into energy.  It also regulates heart rate, respiration, digestion, and mood. A condition that increases the size of your thyroid is called a goiter. A goiter may develop in anyone, but is more common in women.

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Hidradenitis suppurativa

Overview: It is a condition that leads to the formation of painful granules under skin It usually happens in areas of friction: thigh, armpit and under the breasts It is usually a chronic condition that leads to scarring of skin, which medical and psychological challenge case   Etiology: blockage of hair follicles causes multiple infection

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